When life is overwhelming, I forget my purpose. This usually happens when I have invited friends over or I am planning an event, like my child’s birthday party. My to-do list seems to grow as the day comes nearer. Last-minute cleaning, baking, buying, and decorating bury me under a list of tasks, and I forget why I’m doing it all.
When my life is overwhelming, I forget the joy of celebrating one of my children. I forget the joy of inviting friends and family into my home. I forget my purpose is to love and to be loved.
It may not be an event that’s overwhelming you. Maybe it’s your daily work list, your job, or a difficult season you are experiencing. It could be emotional overwhelm or an unmade decision that is constantly weighing on your heart and mind.
When we feel like we are drowning—whether it’s pressure, circumstances, stress, emotions, or decisions—we focus on what is drowning us. We forget the joy of being a child of God, alive, hopeful, and free.
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